
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Goody Good Candy Halal/ vegan friendly in UK

As Reported by FoodNews

A NEW range of gummy sweets, made using only natural ingredients and plant derived bio-gum (alleviating the need for meat based gelatine), has launched in the UK.
The new range called The Goody Good Stuff is being positioned as mainstream but benefits from being certified vegetarian, vegan, kosher and halal as well as being nut, dairy, gluten and fat free.
Goody Good stuff company caries a variety of sweets such as:

8 Naturally Delicious Varieties

The Gummies:

Strawberry & Cream (Vegetarian)
Cheery Cherries (Vegetarian)
Tropical Fruit
Tropical Fruit (Vegetarian)
Koala Gummy Bears
Koala Gummy Bears (Vegetarian)


The Sours:

Coala Breeze
Cola Breeze (Vegan/Vegetarian)
Summer Peaches
Summer Peaches (Vegan/Vegetarian)
Sour Mix & Match
Sour Mix & Match (Vegan/Vegetarian)
Sour Fruit Salad
Sour Fruit Salad (Vegan/Vegetarian)

They also sell on ebay through their ebay store:

 Great Offers!!
Goody Good Stuff Vegetarian Goody Bag - 8 Bags Included - £10 (Free Postage and Packaging)
Goody Good Stuff Vegan Goody Bag - 4 Bags Included - £5 (Free Postage and Packaging)
Individual Varieties of Goody Good Stuff - £1.40 Each (Includes Postage and Packaging)

Contact info for Goody Good Stuff Company:

0845 643 9333 / 0161 246 9815
Postal address:
Office 6/4-Sixth Floor, Digital World Centre
1 Lowry Plaza, The Quays,
Salford, M50 3UB Source

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